To succeed in life, you need three things: a wishbone, a backbone and a funnybone.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Pandas and My Quarter of a Century

We haven't had too much exciting going on around here lately. Our weekends have been more crash and relax rather than go out and explore and we even had one weekend with SNOW! Yeah...WAY too soon!

Most of our time has been spent working on our next step in our adventure, aka, preparing for Dan to apply for summer internships and take the CFA exam. This involves a lot of resume tweaking, cover letter writing, interview question prepping and networking galore. It has certainly been a roller coaster, but we have had several small accomplishments and victories that we are SO grateful for. Only time will tell what happens next. 

No matter what happens for the summer we are definitely going back to BYU in January for school so the apartment hunt is in full swing as well. We are yet again on the hunt for short term, affordable housing....sigh. The bright side is that Provo affordable is actually affordable compared to Miami affordable, and DC affordable....haha...big relief there. 

So with all of that going on, we decided that we WERE going to go out and resume our exploration of DC this past weekend. 

Friday night we went to this Mexican restaurant we have been wanting to was the fanciest mexican food I've ever experienced (seriously, we are talking 13 dollar guacamole)  but it was delish!

Saturday we got up and went shopping! I told Dan that I wanted some clothes for my birthday (which was yesterday) so he took me shopping! I loved every second and got some super cute stuff! 

Then we headed to the DC National Zoo. I have been dying to go there as it is FREE and they have PANDAS. It was a little chilly but nothing a salted caramel hot chocolate from Starbucks couldn't cure. The DC Zoo did NOT disappoint. 

My little sis Caroline sparked my love for Pandas when she was little b/c she was OBSESSED. She had a million stuffed panda bears and even would fall asleep in a pile of them. When the San Diego Zoo got the first Pandas, they had a live web cam where you could watch them online. My dad would set it up for Caroline and she would sit there for HOURS if you let her watching them. THEN, pandas came to Atlanta and my family braved an ice storm to go see them. Worth every second as Caroline LOVED them and had the best day. 

So anyway, after experiencing that how could you not love pandas? Well they were amazing and I could be found chasing one of them back and forth as he went inside and out. Dan didn't participate in this particular activity but kept encouraging me to go find him while assuring me he would, "be right here" when I got back. Haha, yes I am now 25 years old. But they were pandas and pandas are really cool. Caroline would have definitely chased them with me, but I had to settle for a 4 year old boy clutching his stuffed panda...haha good times.

Then Dan got to be the little kid as we sat and stared at the Tiger forever b/c he was growling and pacing non stop. I must admit it was pretty awesome. It was the most entertaining Tiger ever. Usually I can't even find the Tigers at the zoo, or when I do they are ALWAYS sleeping...not this guy. He took his job seriously.

There was also a BILLION Lions.

And a very friendly Orangutang who may or may not have been picking his nose and then putting something into his mouth...must have been a boy monkey.
After the zoo we went and checked off another of the restaurants on our must eat in DC list, then went home for some football. THE GAME OF THE CENTURY turned out to be a snoozefest...who would have thought?

On Sunday we had a great day at church then had dinner at a couple from our ward's apartment. They were super nice and it was a great time. Another fabulous weekend was had by all. 

Now to the main event....Yesterday I turned a Quarter of a Century old...dun dun dun...aka 25. 

This was the first birthday that age started to bug me. I'm done with the aging thing so from now on I will always be turning 25 so nobody act surprised.

I started my birthday off by finding several strategically placed Happy Birthday notes from my hubby...great way to start a day. Then I took myself on a little mini shipping trip to supplement my Saturday findings...ya know...treat myself a little. Then I had to work, ugh, but after Dan surprised me by taking me to a seafood dinner! He hates seafood, but I happen to love it so it was perfect! (I may or may not have accidentally ordered a roasted fish, which means you get the whole fish and I mean WHOLE fish on your plate....and I may have a slight weirdness about food that looks like the animal it that was interesting, but it was good anyway...I just kept my eyes closed)

Then we came home for some cookie cake (my fave) and a movie! 

It was a great day and I'm excited to see what 25 has in store!

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