To succeed in life, you need three things: a wishbone, a backbone and a funnybone.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Our Adventures Continue in.........DC!!!!

For the past 8 months Dan has know that he wanted to intern at the United States Treasury in August....bad. He has been dilligently preparing to apply and interview, trust me, no one was prepared as him for an interview ever. He kept up on the financial current events EVERY day, read tons of boring  informative financial books, worked on his resume until it was near perfection, and of course practiced interviewing with me as the stand in interviewer time after time. It was pretty stressful becuase we moved out to Miami for the Citi internship with no way of knowing what would come next. They didn't start accepting applications for the treasury until the SAME week his Miami internship ENDED. That's right, we packed up and moved out of our apartment in Miami having no idea where we would be heading to next.

We took our stuff to my parent's house and headed out to Hawaii for two weeks on vacation without hearing anything from the Treasury. (PS the internship was set to start on August 15, we left for Hawaii on July 11, talk about cutting it close). Well a few days after we arrived in Hawaii, the Treasury called Dan for an interview, which he did at 4 am Hawaii time. This interview was pretty easy, just discussing the internship and they asked a couple basic questions. He was then invited for a second phone interview. If the first interview was slow-pitch style, this was was fast-pitch. Rapid fire questions one after the other, but Dan did great! A couple days later he was offered the internship! So we left Hawaii with no word and came back with an offer! We will be heading to DC in a couple of weeks where Dan will intern at the U.S. Treasury in the Capital Markets Room until the end of December and we are feeling even more blessed for my job that I can do from any part of the country from home.

Now I just have to express my gratitude for being married to such a motivated, hard working man. His dedication was inspiring. He sets goals and does not expect the acommplishement of those goals to just fall in his lap. He goes above and beyond and works hard for what he wants, and that hard work paid off. Congratulations Dan Dan. I couldn't be more proud.

Now we just have to survive the apartment hunt....

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