To succeed in life, you need three things: a wishbone, a backbone and a funnybone.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Trying new things!

I have recently discovered that I have a passion for making and trying new things. I REALLY love to cook, bake, sew, and create and I have been really trying to develop (the better word is probably create) my talents since we have lived here and it has been SO MUCH FUN! I never thought I would be that good at any of those things because I felt I lacked creativity. Then I discovered the world of creative blogs and I don't even have to come up with the ideas myself! I just borrow from others. I thought I would share some of the things I have tried and liked and give credit to the fun blogs I found them on so that you can start your own obsessive blog searching!

Since I got married I have been building my own book of recipes. Every time we try something and we like it, I add it to the book. If its a flop...we trash it, and trust me there have been some flops. Probably more due to user malfunction then to the recipe itself but I will only admit that right here and now. There are three recipes that I just HAVE to share. They are delish.

The first two come from MADE. The  LIME CHICKEN FAJITAS are super easy and SO flavorful! Much better than the Fajita packaging at the store!

Photo from
The Second recipe from the same website is BRAIDED BREAD. Oh my I am ADDICTED to this bread! There is an option to make it Cinnamon bread as well....DO IT. You will not regret it. I love homemade bread and being without a bread maker I really appreciate recipes that aren't super tricky as in you put it all that work and then your bread comes out like what I imagine Manna to be in my head. This is a domestic goddess points winner for sure.
Photo courtesy of
Last but not least is SWEET AND SOUR CHICKEN from Brown Eyed Baker. I love all things sweet and sour, that probably stems from my mass consumption of the sweet and sour chicken from the local Chinese Restaurant as a child. This recipe is so good and super easy to make. Serve it up with some brown rice and sugar snap peas and I would call that a half healthy meal. And speaking of cooking chinese inspired meals at home you should also check out the General Csaos Chicken and Fried Rice recipes from Favorite Family Recipes. My husband could drink the sauce he loves it so much.

Today I am tackling the daunting duty of cleaning our my fridge and pantry, but tomorrow I am going to try to make a scripture tote so I will let you know how that goes!

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