To succeed in life, you need three things: a wishbone, a backbone and a funnybone.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Hunger Games in 24 hours

Somebody in our household has been resisting the Hunger Games craze. It certainly isn't me as I am usually a sucker for anything pop culture. Hunger Games is no different. I love it...and can't wait to see the movie. 

My Hunger Games movie date plans fell through, so Dan was up to bat. However, for some odd reason I REALLY wanted him to read the book before he saw the movie with me. I don't know why I felt so strongly on the issue, but I did.

So he started reading it at 7:00 last night.

And by 11:00 this morning...he was finished....all in the name of getting me to the movie as soon as possible...mostly. The man couldn't put it down. Needless to say I'm thrilled to now have a movie date that will also get chills when the countdown to the games starts in the movie.

Though he would NEVER admit that. 

I'm so grateful to have a husband who will drop everything and put off home work to read a book that I so senselessly needed him to read. I know I don't always make a whole lot of sense, but he just goes with it. Just to make me happy. 

I'm a lucky girl.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Spring has sprung...atleast for now

Holy 65 degrees outside! It's March in Utah and its in the 60's! I am one HAPPY HAPPY girl. I am soaking up every second because I just know it's only a matter of time until those temps plummet once again. 

Dan's brother Jake surprised Dan and Nick this weekend with a visit. He got to surprise Nick at the library and Dan here at home. They were definitely surprised and it's fun to have all of the brothers together. Jake just got his mission call to serve in the Hungary, Budapest mission. Pretty exciting! He leaves in May so it's right around the corner! 

On Saturday we decided to take advantage of this FABULOUS weather and went to the driving range. The boys swung until they were sore and Kendall and I soaked up the rays. 

We followed our golf session up with Tucanos...which meant we spent the rest of the day in a food induced coma...but oh so worth it. 

A couple of weeks ago Jason Alexander was in town. Dan LOVES Seinfeld, especially George, so of course we were hour early no less. When George walked out, Dan's face was PRICELESS. I would liken it to a little kid's face the first time they go to Disney and see Mickey. It was a great night full of lots of laughs. 

And lastly, we found an apartment in NYC for the summer! That is one major load off! Only a little over two months before our NYC summer adventure begins! So excited!