To succeed in life, you need three things: a wishbone, a backbone and a funnybone.

Monday, July 22, 2013

One Month

Ok I am already behind and Brooks is actually two months tomorrow, but that post will come soon. 

Brooks' first month of life was such an amazing time in my life. We had the incredible opportunity to have Dan home with us for the first 6 weeks of Brooks' little life and it was amazing. Those weeks are time Dan and I will treasure forever. Life with a newborn is busy busy and Dan and I learned the ropes of parenthood together. My absolute favorite part was seeing Dan truly bond with his son. He is an amazing father and is not scared to jump right in and helped me SO MUCH. 

During Brooks' first month we spent most of our time at home as a family. TV became a thing of the past as our new entertainment was playing with Brooks and watching him discover all of his surroundings. He loved to play from day one.

At one month:

 He loves rattles and anything with bright colors.

 He loves to lay on his play mat and look at the fun toys hanging above.

 He does not love laying on his back for extended periods of time. He rolls over to his right side almost every time you lay him down. 

He has the amazing ability to move around. We lay him down in his cradle at night in the very center on his back. Every time we go to get him he is on his side in the upper left hand corner of the cradle. No idea how he gets there. 

He has amazing neck muscles and can lift his head up and hold it up for a very long time, however tummy time is not his favorite. 

He loves to sleep cuddled up with someone he loves. If you want to wake him up just lay him on his back alone with no swaddle. He will wake up in 1.5 seconds. 

He LOVES his swing, but the music MUST be playing. If the music goes off he fusses. The INSTANT you turn it back on he is quiet again. 

He is the light of our lives and the first month has been absolutely life changing. Now for your viewing pleasure, TONS of pics. 

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