To succeed in life, you need three things: a wishbone, a backbone and a funnybone.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Down on the Farm

Dan's Oma's birthday was a couple of weekends ago so we decided to make the drive to Idaho Falls with Nick and Kendall to visit her and help her celebrate the big 89!

Side note: Oma thought she was turning 88 until Aunt Sherry pointed out to her that she was in fact turning 89. To this she said, "Wow, that year sure flew by." Oma has some of the BEST one liners. 

Dan's uncle and aunt live in Aberdeen, just about 45 miles away from Idaho Falls, so we stayed with them. They have a farm so us city folk had a grand ole time getting down on the farm.

We DUG OUR OWN POTATOES (Kendall and I could NOT get over how cool that was), shot skeet (everyone else actually shot skeet, I shot AT skeet), and even ate some elk sausage. We are bonafide farm people now. I know I was converted. I mean, who wouldn't be with this view?

This little farm kitty followed us around everywhere, I loved it
We spent all day Saturday in Idaho Falls with Oma. She had no idea we were coming so it was fun to surprise her. We went to Olive Garden for her birthday lunch, surprised her with a cake and a rousing round of Happy Birthday, went on a walk, ate dinner with her dinner cards she has won at various games around the retirement home, and played an extremely competitive two hour game of dominoes. It was a really great day.

We also couldn't miss a chance to hit up Scotty's the local drive-in in Idaho Falls and the old stomping grounds of a teenage Carol Gould. They have delicious fries and shakes and we loved imaging Carol hanging out there with her friends.

We had a great weekend with Oma, Uncle Terry, Aunt Sherry, Sarah, and Jill. It is great to be around family and we had a blast!

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