To succeed in life, you need three things: a wishbone, a backbone and a funnybone.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Once again I have been pretty bad at keeping up with our blog! I guess after all of our adventures in Miami and DC, and with Dan getting an internship offer, I haven't felt like there is much to write about. That certainly doesn't mean that life has been boring. It has been nice having a chance to really just spend time with each other as well as with our friends and family. 

Lately I've really been focusing on living in the moment and being truly happy with the now instead of always looking forward to the next step, or dreaming about the next phase in our life. I felt like I had been so caught up in those things for a long time, I needed to make a change. I wasn't seeing how truly amazing my life is RIGHT NOW. It's been a great change and I've noticed blessings I hadn't noticed before. 

Since we have been married, Dan and I have been striving towards one goal after the other. We haven't quit doing that by any means, but the last couple of weeks have slowed down and we have taken the time to just be with one another without any stress weighing us down. 

For Christmas, Dan signed us up for a cooking class in Salt Lake. We got to go to that a couple of weeks ago and it was so fun. It was a southern class so we learned to cook Fried Chicken, mac and cheese, collard greens, cornbread, biscuits, and chocolate pie. Dan seemed to find his calling with the fried chicken. Turns out he's a master fryer...who knew? It was a great time and I was so grateful that Dan took the time to share one of my passions with me. 

PS...getting used to going into the office everyday is proving harder than I thought. I got so spoiled working from home. How do people who work in the office full time get anything done? And the only people I have to take care of is me and Dan. I have a whole new respect for working mothers...geez...I'm exhausted just talking about work. 

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