To succeed in life, you need three things: a wishbone, a backbone and a funnybone.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Mt. Vernon is my dream home

Last weekend Dan and I resumed our tourist activities around DC. It's pretty crazy that we are only here for another two months so we better get on the ball if we are going to see it all! (poet anyone?)

On Saturday the weather was beautiful so we decided to go explore Mt. Vernon, George Washington's home. 

Turns out that Mt. Vernon is my dream home.

Let me explain. 

There is tons and tons of land which for some odd reason I crave. There were gardens and stables and oh the fabulousness. For some reason I really want a lot of land with a few gardens, horses, and a chicken coop. BUT I don't want to be that far from a bigger city and Mt. Vernon has the location down to a tee. 20 minutes outside of DC and only like 10 from Alexandria. Perfect. 

The view. Mt. Vernon is on the water and the view from the (yet another high point for me) huge back porch is just amazing.

Inside it is colorful and full of life. It looks like somewhere that you could live while being very stylishly decorated (for its time mind you but that is besides the point). There was a huge dining room for entertaining as well as the huge backyard that would ANYONE would want to have a party in. 

Ok so that is why Mt. Vernon is my dream home. 

On a more serious note it was just amazing to wander around where GEORGE WASHINGTON, one of our founding fathers, lived. I just love the patriotic feeling you get and the appreciation of those who paved the way for our freedom. 

The Tombs of Martha and George Washington

After Mt. Vernon we drove to the Georgetown area and walked around the beautiful streets and shops. Hitting up DC Cupcakes was our goal, but it got HOT and the line was literally wrapped around the building. Since I haven't actually ever seen an episode of DC Cupcakes I figured it wasn't worth it. Now if it were The Cake Boss...that would be a different story. 

We had Cheesecake Factory for dinner which was the perfect ending to a perfect day. 

I left the next day to spend a week in SC with my family. More on that to come.

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