To succeed in life, you need three things: a wishbone, a backbone and a funnybone.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

5 Months!

Let me start by saying that the fifth month is when we realized we are going to have our hands full with this one! He is FULL of energy. I really feel like he is a two year old stuck in a 5 month old's body. He is a loud man, whether he's happy or sad. He loves to play loud and I love every second of it. I had THE HARDEST TIME in the world doing his little 5 month photo shoot. He was all over the place. Laughing, yelling, trying to grab his little 5 month sticker, drooling on his 5 month sticker, spitting up on his 5 month sticker. Needless to say that thing was a mess by the time we were done. Although he was not cooperating, as sitting still is no longer on Brooks' lists of things he is willing to do, I still think we got some cute ones. 

He has really found his voice and has THE BEST LAUGH EVER. It is seriously the best sound in the world. His new favorite thing is yelling in church. He's not mad or anything he just wants to yell. I gave a talk in church one Sunday and he just yelled away while Dan was holding him. 

This month he discovered his feet and let me tell you he was FASCINATED when he found those things. The world's best teething toy in his mind. One day I was changing him and he just all of the sudden lifted them up and stared at them. Then he looked at me, then back at his feet. It was like he was thinking, "Why didn't you tell me about these?" Since then, he sticks those toes in his mouth every chance he gets. 

Brooks still loves to play with Kitty on his play mat, but he also got a jumperoo to play in. It took him a while to figure out that he could bounce it on his own, but once he figured that out he decided it was so much fun. 

This month he also started eating some baby food! Then we had a traumatic experience for mom, dad, and Brooks involving a banana, so this is also the month he stopped eating baby food. Haha, let's just say he loves to eat, maybe too much, and his first time momma was too silly to realize when enough is enough (like a whole banana). Oh geez, poor first child Brooks! However, this momma got the courage to try again the following month so more details on that later!

Brooks continues to be the absolute light of our lives. Our loves grows for him every day. He is such a happy little man. His happiness is contagious. It is IMPOSSIBLE to have a bad day when you are around this little guy!

Monday, October 7, 2013

4 Months

Well another month has come and gone. Brooks is 4 months old! 

This month has been SO much fun. Brooks has really developed such a cute personality and continues to be such a joy. His little face is so expressive, whether it be happy or sad. He is so funny to watch. 

This month he has mastered the roll over. He can roll from back to tummy, tummy to back. You lay him down to play on his play mat and he is almost instantaneously on his tummy. He is not to be trusted on any surface other than the floor as he is all over the place. 

This month he is SLEEPING THROUGH THE NIGHT! This has been the greatest blessing for all of us. It is amazing how much better sleep can make you feel! 

Brooks' hands have become his fascination this month. He discovered them and they are his FAVORITE toy. He loves to suck on his index and middle finger at the same time. It was so funny when he first discovered he could do this. He would stick ALL his fingers into his mouth, and way too far back so he would accidentally choke himself a little. I had to pull his hands out of his mouth several times before he got the hang of it. 

Blankets continue to be his favorite toys. Give that boy his hands and his blanket and he's a happy baby. He also really likes his Sophie the giraffe, Benecio the monkey, and puppy. He is really loving TV lately which means I'm going to be in some serious trouble when he gets older. If you want him to pay attention to you, you have to turn the TV off first, haha, uh oh. 

Poor baby got his first cold this month and it was rough on him and mommy. I actually got a cold at the same time so it was pretty much torture. Luckily my mom came in town so she took care of us. 

It has been a great month for Brooks and I just adore him.

This is mid gagging himself...

Fell asleep playing